Eco Team

What is Eco Schools?

Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.

It is an ideal way to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the environment in both the school and the local community while at the same time having a life-long positive impact on the lives of young people and their families.


So why are we doing it?

It makes a difference…

  • Eco-Schools empowers pupils, raises environmental awareness, improves the school environment and also engages the wider local community.

Making a difference to pupils’ lives...

  • The Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers pupils to lead change within their school and have a positive impact in their wider community. The programme encourages pupils of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness.
  • Independent research into the Eco-Schools programme in England found evidence of the positive impacts on pupils, including increased confidence, development of leaderships skills, improved pupil well-being and behaviour and greater motivation at school.

St. Chad’s Eco Team

We have an Eco Team at St. Chad’s, the children chosen had to apply for the role and were interviewed.  A total of 38 children from Year 2 to Year 6 applied and after lots of deliberation we carefully selected 15 children.

The Eco Team will meet fortnightly and will work on the Seven Eco-Schools steps which are designed to make environmental actions pupil-led.

The seven steps are:

  1. Eco-Committee, a group of students and adults responsible for all things Eco-Schools.
  2. Environmental Review, a free-to-download resource which has been designed to review learning environments and provide inspiration to Eco-Committees.
  3. Action Plan, a plan for environmental actions in your school, college or nursery.
  4. Curriculum Links, including environmental issues in your school’s learning.
  5. Informing and Involving, including all pupils, staff members and your local community in Eco-Schools work.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation, measuring the impact of the projects in your Action Plan.
  7. Eco-Code, a rallying call that everyone can get behind!


St Chad's Roman Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

Balmfield Street, Cheetham, Manchester, M8 0SP

Headteacher - Ms D. Malcolm

Tel: 0161 205 6965


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